Disruptive businesses

Oxfam Lab: Social innovation to address inequalities in care and housing




Oxfam Intermón




Systemic changes that improve both living conditions and gender equity, while promoting social innovation.

Have you ever wondered how to tackle the challenge of inequalities in Spain?

Oxfam Intermón and Ideas For Change launched 'Oxfam Lab', a bold six-month internal project that uses the Pentagrowth methodology. This innovative approach focuses on co-creation, aiming to maximise the organisation's impact, encourage internal innovation, and foster new collaborations.

Oxfam Lab focuses on two crucial areas: care and housing. Care, which increasingly affects a large part of our society and falls particularly on women, represents a great opportunity for institutional and technological innovation. Housing, on the other hand, has become a social emergency, especially for young people, and opens up a field for social innovation solutions.

With the support of previous research and a strategic approach, we are determined to integrate Oxfam Intermón's unique capabilities and collaborate with various stakeholders. We are ready to generate alternatives that promote a dignified life and to face specific challenges with determination!

Have you ever wondered how to tackle the challenge of inequalities in Spain?

Oxfam Intermón and Ideas For Change launched 'Oxfam Lab', a bold six-month internal project that uses the Pentagrowth methodology. This innovative approach focuses on co-creation, aiming to maximise the organisation's impact, encourage internal innovation, and foster new collaborations.

Oxfam Lab focuses on two crucial areas: care and housing. Care, which increasingly affects a large part of our society and falls particularly on women, represents a great opportunity for institutional and technological innovation. Housing, on the other hand, has become a social emergency, especially for young people, and opens up a field for social innovation solutions.

With the support of previous research and a strategic approach, we are determined to integrate Oxfam Intermón's unique capabilities and collaborate with various stakeholders. We are ready to generate alternatives that promote a dignified life and to face specific challenges with determination!

Our role

Our role

  • Application of the Pentagrowth methodology during the process with co-creative workshops.

  • Creation of a strategic framework, a development vision, and a business action plan to redefine the housing and care model that Oxfam offers through the creation of Oxfam Lab.


Javi is recognized as one of the most innovative strategists and thinkers in open and contributory business models, the collaborative economy, institutional and civic innovation, and network society. At Ideas for Change, he inspires the team to achieve excellence by blending analytical rigor with strategic creativity.


Javi Creus

Founder and CEO

With expertise in systemic design, architecture, circularity, and digital manufacturing, Maud is dedicated to pioneering innovative, sustainable solutions. At Ideas For Change, her work focuses on integrating the open and collaborative Pentagrowth methodology into new business models and developing solutions for social and environmental challenges. She is involved in consulting projects with Veritas, Acció, and Oxfam.


Maud Bausier

Consultant and researcher



Disruptive businesses

Oxfam Lab: Social Innovation