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What will the Futures that Rock be like in 2039?

What will the Futures that Rock be like in 2039?

5 de febrero de 2025

Maud Bausier, Consultant & Paola Zanchetta, Researcher

2024 was an important year for Ideas for Change: we celebrated 15 years of creating #FuturosQueMolan. As you can read in this post, during the evening at the AKASHA Hub - there was a very special atmosphere, and we were able to toast to the impact we have created by collaborating with different organisations across Europe - and across the Atlantic - since we laid the first stone of this space for generating ideas.

The anniversary was not only an occasion to celebrate, but also an opportunity to reflect on the future and the change we want to see around us.

We live in a time of polycrisis, marked by natural disasters such as the DANA, which catastrophically affected Valencia (Spain) in October 2024. In this context, the spotlight was put on the self-managed groups of citizens who rose up to give support and care to the people and spaces that needed it. An event that made us reflect on the current need to recognise our capacity to collaborate and the ability to face the problems of the present and the future together.

Imagen del evento del 5 de Noviembre en AKASHA HUB, Martín Balestrini

In order to highlight the value of this reflection, during the event we organised a participatory dynamic designed to encourage creativity and collaboration among the attendees. The objective: to collectively imagine from the future - 15 years into the future - what the systems that will surround us in 2039 will be like.

And by systems, we mean groups of elements or components (e.g. technological changes, social changes, etc.) that work together to achieve a common goal or function, in a given context (e.g. City), and where various groups can directly and indirectly influence each other (e.g. City, Neighbourhood, Housing, Education).

Participatory dynamics: We need better systems

With this premise, conversations were triggered and the seeds of possible collaborations were planted in the room. The interactive dynamic was useful to create a moment of reflection on what systems we want to influence and how we imagine them in 2039 generating value, taking into account the needs of human beings and the planet.

The exercise consisted of filling in cards on which the following questions had to be answered in a few words and then pinned on a pinboard:

Tarjeta dinámica interactiva #FuturosQueMolan 2039

Asistentes rellenando las tarjetas durante el evento

The result: a canvas full of collective and innovative ideas for a fairer, more sustainable and resilient future in 2039.

The result: a canvas full of collective and innovative ideas for a fairer, more sustainable and resilient future in 2039.

Collective futures

The dynamic was a success, and we had the opportunity to meet and discuss the #FuturosQueMolan ideas of the guests. Thanks to an active participation, we managed to gather valuable information that serves us today as inspiration to design new emerging futures and keep working in the right direction.

Ejemplos de los #FuturosQueMolan de los asistentes

These are just a few examples of the many ideas that emerged during the exercise. Participants imagined a future where cooperation, care and resilience play a crucial role in improving our quality of life and that of the planet.

Futures where communities and citizen participation are the basis for decision-making on technological developments and circular design. As opposed to today, where technology dictates the pace of development, corrupting society and the planet's natural resources.

Interactive visualisation of the #FuturesThatRock

With the desire to create an interconnected visualisation of all the data collected during the dynamics, we have created this network-map of the system.

Screenshoot of the interactive map showing the relationships between the different #FuturesThatRock

Click here to open in your browser to interact with the map.

In the diagram you can see the relationship between the different:

(i) systems;

(ii) adjectives;

(iii) what will be possible in the systems;

(iv) the technologies that will support those changes;

(v) the societal changes that will be necessary in this context.

The most commented #FuturesThatRock

This map allows you to explore the information interactively and highlights the key relationships that exist between the different elements.

EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)

Network-map of the system created by the social factor ‘EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)’.

Network-map of the system created by the social factor ‘Social Justice’.

The participants highlighted the relevance of adopting inclusive approaches across many relevant sectors of activity / action, such as health, education, mobility or tourism. In this sense and looking at the outcome, there are correlations between cities, tourism, neighbourhood and the need to put particularly vulnerable people at the centre of the debate and the drivers of collective action.


Network-map of the system created by the ‘Education’.

Education as a system is the focus of most of the attendees. Without new narratives and ways of thinking it is not possible to imagine and create new collective futures. We need to improve current education systems and imagine new formulas that promote, for example, collaboration between students, leaving aside competitiveness, and taking care of the mental health of the generations that will have a determining role in influencing the new realities of the future. An inclusive, empowering education that awakens critical thinking and interests through a responsible and conscious use of technology such as AI, robotics, or virtual reality.

Housing, Neighbourhood and City

Network-map of the system created by the ‘Housing’.

Network-map of the system created by the ‘ Neighbourhoods’.

In a complicated European context, where many are struggling for their right to a home today, collective imaginaries about the future of housing, neighbourhood living, and cities were at the forefront of many of the conversations in the room.

We need neighbourhoods that support the holistic social wellbeing of their citizens through the promotion of flexible housing and affordable spaces for different groups, especially addressing the needs of at-risk communities. Neighbourhoods that are accessible to all their inhabitants, where people work together for the common good, and where technologies such as digital fabrication and innovative urban solutions such as nature based solutions can improve the lives of people and urban ecosystems, supporting the reduction of emissions and incentivising the local production of products and services.

Citizen participation is essential in making decisions that support these changes, through accessible, democratic and adaptive technologies.

Technologies and Social Change since 2039

This exercise has allowed us to understand what technological developments and social changes - from the perspective of the participants of the event - will play a decisive role in achieving new #FuturesThatMolan in 2039. Attached are 2 diagrams where it is possible to see all the answers:

Visualisation of all the technologies that will influence 2039

Visualisation of the set of social changes that will influence 2039

The results of this dynamic remind us that the future is not written, and that by using our creativity and collaboration, we can design new systems that improve the quality of life for all.

Thank you for sharing your vision of the future

At Ideas for Change, we are committed to social innovation and to supporting projects that generate positive changes in the contexts where they emerge. Thanks to all the people who came to share the evening, participated in this dynamic and shared their vision of a 2039 full of possibilities.

What about you, how do you imagine systems in 2039? Contact us to share your ideas and continue building together #FuturesThatRock.

Maud Bausier, Consultant & Paola Zanchetta, Researcher

2024 was an important year for Ideas for Change: we celebrated 15 years of creating #FuturosQueMolan. As you can read in this post, during the evening at the AKASHA Hub - there was a very special atmosphere, and we were able to toast to the impact we have created by collaborating with different organisations across Europe - and across the Atlantic - since we laid the first stone of this space for generating ideas.

The anniversary was not only an occasion to celebrate, but also an opportunity to reflect on the future and the change we want to see around us.

We live in a time of polycrisis, marked by natural disasters such as the DANA, which catastrophically affected Valencia (Spain) in October 2024. In this context, the spotlight was put on the self-managed groups of citizens who rose up to give support and care to the people and spaces that needed it. An event that made us reflect on the current need to recognise our capacity to collaborate and the ability to face the problems of the present and the future together.

Imagen del evento del 5 de Noviembre en AKASHA HUB, Martín Balestrini

In order to highlight the value of this reflection, during the event we organised a participatory dynamic designed to encourage creativity and collaboration among the attendees. The objective: to collectively imagine from the future - 15 years into the future - what the systems that will surround us in 2039 will be like.

And by systems, we mean groups of elements or components (e.g. technological changes, social changes, etc.) that work together to achieve a common goal or function, in a given context (e.g. City), and where various groups can directly and indirectly influence each other (e.g. City, Neighbourhood, Housing, Education).

Participatory dynamics: We need better systems

With this premise, conversations were triggered and the seeds of possible collaborations were planted in the room. The interactive dynamic was useful to create a moment of reflection on what systems we want to influence and how we imagine them in 2039 generating value, taking into account the needs of human beings and the planet.

The exercise consisted of filling in cards on which the following questions had to be answered in a few words and then pinned on a pinboard:

Tarjeta dinámica interactiva #FuturosQueMolan 2039

Asistentes rellenando las tarjetas durante el evento

The result: a canvas full of collective and innovative ideas for a fairer, more sustainable and resilient future in 2039.

The result: a canvas full of collective and innovative ideas for a fairer, more sustainable and resilient future in 2039.

Collective futures

The dynamic was a success, and we had the opportunity to meet and discuss the #FuturosQueMolan ideas of the guests. Thanks to an active participation, we managed to gather valuable information that serves us today as inspiration to design new emerging futures and keep working in the right direction.

Ejemplos de los #FuturosQueMolan de los asistentes

These are just a few examples of the many ideas that emerged during the exercise. Participants imagined a future where cooperation, care and resilience play a crucial role in improving our quality of life and that of the planet.

Futures where communities and citizen participation are the basis for decision-making on technological developments and circular design. As opposed to today, where technology dictates the pace of development, corrupting society and the planet's natural resources.

Interactive visualisation of the #FuturesThatRock

With the desire to create an interconnected visualisation of all the data collected during the dynamics, we have created this network-map of the system.

Screenshoot of the interactive map showing the relationships between the different #FuturesThatRock

Click here to open in your browser to interact with the map.

In the diagram you can see the relationship between the different:

(i) systems;

(ii) adjectives;

(iii) what will be possible in the systems;

(iv) the technologies that will support those changes;

(v) the societal changes that will be necessary in this context.

The most commented #FuturesThatRock

This map allows you to explore the information interactively and highlights the key relationships that exist between the different elements.

EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)

Network-map of the system created by the social factor ‘EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)’.

Network-map of the system created by the social factor ‘Social Justice’.

The participants highlighted the relevance of adopting inclusive approaches across many relevant sectors of activity / action, such as health, education, mobility or tourism. In this sense and looking at the outcome, there are correlations between cities, tourism, neighbourhood and the need to put particularly vulnerable people at the centre of the debate and the drivers of collective action.


Network-map of the system created by the ‘Education’.

Education as a system is the focus of most of the attendees. Without new narratives and ways of thinking it is not possible to imagine and create new collective futures. We need to improve current education systems and imagine new formulas that promote, for example, collaboration between students, leaving aside competitiveness, and taking care of the mental health of the generations that will have a determining role in influencing the new realities of the future. An inclusive, empowering education that awakens critical thinking and interests through a responsible and conscious use of technology such as AI, robotics, or virtual reality.

Housing, Neighbourhood and City

Network-map of the system created by the ‘Housing’.

Network-map of the system created by the ‘ Neighbourhoods’.

In a complicated European context, where many are struggling for their right to a home today, collective imaginaries about the future of housing, neighbourhood living, and cities were at the forefront of many of the conversations in the room.

We need neighbourhoods that support the holistic social wellbeing of their citizens through the promotion of flexible housing and affordable spaces for different groups, especially addressing the needs of at-risk communities. Neighbourhoods that are accessible to all their inhabitants, where people work together for the common good, and where technologies such as digital fabrication and innovative urban solutions such as nature based solutions can improve the lives of people and urban ecosystems, supporting the reduction of emissions and incentivising the local production of products and services.

Citizen participation is essential in making decisions that support these changes, through accessible, democratic and adaptive technologies.

Technologies and Social Change since 2039

This exercise has allowed us to understand what technological developments and social changes - from the perspective of the participants of the event - will play a decisive role in achieving new #FuturesThatMolan in 2039. Attached are 2 diagrams where it is possible to see all the answers:

Visualisation of all the technologies that will influence 2039

Visualisation of the set of social changes that will influence 2039

The results of this dynamic remind us that the future is not written, and that by using our creativity and collaboration, we can design new systems that improve the quality of life for all.

Thank you for sharing your vision of the future

At Ideas for Change, we are committed to social innovation and to supporting projects that generate positive changes in the contexts where they emerge. Thanks to all the people who came to share the evening, participated in this dynamic and shared their vision of a 2039 full of possibilities.

What about you, how do you imagine systems in 2039? Contact us to share your ideas and continue building together #FuturesThatRock.