5 ways to accelerate your business through innovation

By editorial team. (Originally published in Spanish)


What is your innovative future? You have probably asked yourself this question at some point in your life. Both professionally and personally, we think about our future and how special, different and impactful it is from everyone else’s. We are at a decisive moment where innovation plays a crucial role to stay afloat. Entrepreneurs, organisations and citizens are looking for new ways to adapt and reinvent themselves.


The annual Pentagrowth Certification will take place in October to provide solutions and answers to current challenges. The objective is to offer the necessary tools to accelerate the growth of a business with a methodology that gives a new way of looking and thinking, while designing strategies to lead an ecosystem. 


What does this guide look like? Pentagrowth talks about exponential growth in its DNA. It provides a series of steps, or levers, to restructure an organisation and generate positive impact collaboratively. Summarising its potential is no easy task, but in this article we highlight the 5 ways to accelerate your business and drive innovation. Take notes!

Anticipate. “Something changes in our environment that forces us to change”, explains Daniela Salvitti, CEO of Ideas for Change, in her latest article Entrepreneurship is easy, the hardest part is sustaining it. This is the starting point, as innovation is born when there is a change around us. You have to anticipate the challenges and design a model based on future opportunities. From there, think about the businesses of tomorrow to aspire to a #FutureThatRocks and lead your ecosystem. 

  1. Unbundle. Often we do not pay attention to the hidden potential. There are uncovered resources within a company with great value. Analysing internal abundance will allow you to generate new ideas to contribute to the system you are part of. If you optimise your capabilities, you will accelerate your goals and those of your organisation. If you change your point of view, you change the whole picture. 

  2. Explore. Have you ever investigated what your ecosystem does?  What new and innovative elements can you bring to it? Look at what you have available in the environment to boost your development. New technological, social and economical waves offer new opportunities to act. This is exemplified by Javi Creus, Founder of Ideas for Change, in his article Next-generation purposes require next-generation systems, but how?, in which he talks about “capturing the value driven by emerging systems and communities”. 

  3. Combine. It is now time to combine in order to innovate. Use what you have learned to solve the challenges in your organisation and design a business model that integrates both your internal and external potential. Lean on your resources and those offered by your environment. You can go further if you work together and create synergies. Generating value can serve as a benchmark for others and lead to success. 

  4. Grow. Take action, implement your plan...however you want to say it, but disrupt! Achieve the change you desire in your business and in the system. Your tools and strategies can help other organisations grow, so share your knowledge and create support communities.  

With innovation always at the core, the Pentagrowth methodology identifies key aspects of your organisation and drives its growth. If you want to adapt it to your business, sign up for the 2021 Certification where you will work together with our consultant team and learn a unique toolkit to design impactful systems. 

Don’t imagine your #FutureThatRocks, create it. 


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