Third ETAIN General Assembly: Comprehensive Updates and Advances in RF-EMF Research and Applications

During the first week of June, a delegation from Ideas for Change attended the third General Assembly of the ETAIN project at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel. Over three days, we discussed and learned about developments across all project work areas.

The ETAIN project is dedicated to validating and developing approaches to assess the impact of electromagnetic fields from a planetary health perspective. It explores exposure reduction options across three areas: effects on humans, insects, and the planet.

Within this framework, Ideas for Change plays two crucial roles. Firstly, we lead the Communication and Dissemination work package (WP7). In Basel, our team outlined the various activities conducted over the past year, introduced a new internal communication strategy for the upcoming year, and launched a new social media channel for the project on Instagram. We also provided updates on the ETAIN APP teaser, our latest newsletter, and recent blog posts. Additionally, we announced an upcoming video focusing on the app, exposure mapping, and the dose calculator. A specific AV team conducted several interviews and field recordings with experts to advance the production of the new chapter.

We are also part of the RF-EMF exposure app and portal work package (WP1). Consequently, we led the app scaling workshop, which began with stakeholder mapping to enhance the app’s launch campaign. This was followed by brainstorming sessions on multiplier activities to identify communities, events, and groups likely to adopt the app.

Apart from our presentations and activities, other partners during the General Assembly shared their work. This included the latest developments on the project’s app, exposure maps, and the dose calculator, the latter of which is already available on the project’s website. The tools in place across several European locations to measure RF-EMF exposure on insects were discussed, along with the most recent updates on planetary health. These updates explored the interconnections between environmental, insect, and human RF-EMF exposure and assessed how technological advances are influencing exposure patterns over time.

The next project meeting is scheduled for June next year in Thessaloniki, Greece. We look forward to seeing everyone there!


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