Javi Creus analyses four key strategies to regenerate business models during Covid-19

By the editorial team. (Originally published in Spanish)


Faced with new expectations raised by the Coronavirus crisis, Javi Creus, Founder and CEO of Ideas for Change, has analysed four key strategies or quick-wins that will help regenerate business models  for Forbes Spain. After months of stagnation, the scenario in which we will return to is unusual and uncertain: “What happened during these months has reformulated society's priorities and, with it, the demand of citizens much more aware of what their preferences are. But it has also transformed the supply: what is now abundant, scarce or equivalent”, assures Creus in the article.

In this article, we review what these four quick-wins are and how the Pentagrowth methodology for disruptive business model design can help organisations gain viability and speed recovery from the crisis:

  1. Activate everything that is available: New business habits have given rise to resources that were hidden. The challenge is to integrate these new resources and, simultaneously, imagine how to value those that are underutilised in adjacent businesses.

  2. Alleviating the value chain: Systemically reviewing the production processes and generation of the commercial offer of organisations is now a great opportunity. A new relationship between internal and external efforts will lighten the value chain and make it more efficient.

  3. Accelerate transformation: In the context of the current crisis, institutional, business and citizen cooperation has proven to be more valuable than ever. Building a joint ecosystem of value generation that serves as a reference to other markets can lead to success in the business environment.

  4. Build resilience: Covid-19 has flagrantly demonstrated that all businesses depend on their communities. Sharing knowledge and open value to stimulate the creation of informal alliances that favour resilience will be a fundamental value to ensure business survival.


Overcoming the onslaught of Covid-19 and building a more ambitious future will be, Creus indicates, a less arduous task for all those organisations that are not willing to forget what happened and incorporate quick-wins into their future projections that respond to everything they learned.

The full article is available at this Forbes magazine link.


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